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Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Why am I writing a blog?

Today, as I pondered over what to write about as my next blog topic, I found myself asking myself with a mixture of sarcasm and cynicism, "Why am I even writing a blog?"  As I seriously thought it over, I realized I knew what I would write about.

The first thoughts that ran through my mind were all the reasons why I felt like I should not be writing a blog.  I am a not a lecturer or a preacher, and I do not even feel comfortable trying to be as such.  I am merely a housewife (one who is not very tidy, by the way), and in no way any kind of expert on the bible.  Then again, the so-called biblical scholars are not even accurately teaching the masses what the bible really says, just what sounds good in order to get their congregations to put money in the offering.  So who am I to write a blog?  I certainly do not think I am better than anyone else.  As I have said before, I do not even think my skill as a blogger is that great.  I do believe God has gifted me with a talent for writing novels but not for articles.  I am full of personality flaws as well.  What I am (or at least attempt to be) is a faithful servant striving to live a life according to God's principals.  I have a happy, successful, faithful, loving marriage, because I believe in taking God's Word literally. I read and study my bible often and though I do not have any professional experience, I have 44 years of hearing and reading God's Word and taking the time to really learn what the words of Jesus Christ meant. Therefore I would say that is one of the reasons why I write.  To pass on my insight to anyone who reads my words; not as an self-proclaimed expert, but as a humble servant doing her best to learn at the feet of Jesus.  What I share with you is the same thing Jesus shared with His followers 2,000 years ago.  Or at least that is my goal.  Not to glorify Julie, but to glorify Jesus.

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.  Philippians 2:3

Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father which is in heaven.  Matthew 5:16

I write because I have compassion on my fellow humans.  Just as Jesus does not wish that any man perish in the fires of hell, I also feel this way (though not to His degree, as I am certain no one can). I want to encourage you to strive to live in the ways of holiness and not to fall asleep under the false doctrines being taught.  The churches arte putting believers to sleep and sending them to hell.  I do not want to see that happen. I want us all to have victory over sins and give them up, not make excuses and say, "I'm only human and God gives me grace, so it's okay I do wrong."  There is peace and joy in living a clean life.  No regrets, no hangovers, no guilt, no jail time, no ruined marriages, no betrayals, no lost jobs, etc.  I want us all to remember we are accountable for our actions and to keep that in mind each and every time temptation tries to lure you into sin.  God is indeed full of grace and forgives, but only when we repent and strive for lives of  holiness. 
For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his father with His angels, and then he will reward every mam according to his works. Matthew 16:27

On that same thread, I want to remind my readers that there is a distinction between dark and light.  & You will get burned when you play with fire, and not just yourself.  Families and friends suffer the consequences of our sins as innocent victims.  Your affair or addiction to pornography will not only harm your spouse but your children. When you lose your job for unethical and/or illegal behavior, your family suffers from the lack of income.  Spending money on drugs and alcohol rather than groceries will harm your kids and spouse as well.  Not married?  Well, your past can just as easily affect your future.  Although I do not know much about it, I do know sexually transmitted diseases can come back years later because of a promiscuous lifestyle.  Abortions can affect your ability to have children, as well as the emotional scars you are certain to face forever.  Again, I strive to encourage you all to think before you act.  Both positive and negative actions today will reverberate throughout your entire life.

Open their eyes, and turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins.  Acts 26:18

Jesus wants us to stay busy as long as we are on this world.  Therefore, I also write to please my Master and work for Him.  While this may not be a perfect interpretation, here is my take on Jesus' parable in Luke 19:11-27  "A certain nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom, and to return." Jesus left heaven to come to earth to build a kingdom, then he returned to heaven.  He gave His servants money and told them to "Occupy till I come" (or keep busy).  After the nobleman returns (Jesus ascends into heaven and later returns to judge mankind) he judges them on how well they used the money he gave them (or how well they used their talents - not literal money - to serve Him to contribute to His kingdom).  The more the servants have done, the more He rewards them, and the "enemies" that did not want the nobleman to reign, he orders their death (those who reject Christ are sentenced to hell).  In other words, God wants us to work for Him.  We are all given some semblance of talent, and we are to use our gifts to help others.  There is no task too small as long as we perform it for the glory of God.  I mentioned Moses a few blogs ago and how he argued with God that he was not the right man for the job. God reminded Moses that God would direct his paths and to be obedient to God's calling.  He even agreed to send Aaron as Moses' helper.  God supplies us with what he deems to be sufficient to serve Him; where we are lacking, He will provide a partner of some sort.

Just as I do not consider myself better than any of you, I most certainly do not consider myself better than my Creator.  Jesus came as servant, He even washed the feet of His disciples.  Who am I to think should not serve as Jesus served?  My service is an attempt to imitate Christ.

For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give His life a ransom for many.  Mark 10:45

And lastly, I write because I want to have beautiful feet!  Okay, so that was my stupid sense of humor, but Romans 10:14-15 does say those that minister peace will have beautiful feet!  I want to minister to you.  My blogs all have the same goal, even when the subject matter changes.  I want to be an encourager for your walk with Christ, and for your marriage.  Life is tough, and often times not very fair.  I want to remind you of all of God's promises of peace, joy, hope, love, and eternal life (when we walk in the ways of righteousness).  I want to nurture your faith and encourage you not to give up, to read your bibles as often as possible (a bible journal is a great way to focus in even more on what you are reading), spend time on your knees in prayer, fast whenever you feel you need a breakthrough or just to honor God.  Don't just listen to music, but praise the Lord.  Pray for the Holy Spirit.  Read devotionals.  There are so many false teachers out there, but there are some good preachers that still exist or at least once existed.  Find the ones that encouraged holy living and not the empty grace message.  If you are not being challenged to put away sin, but make excuses for it, you need to find someone else to read (and a different church to attend).  Again, I am not out to promote myself, but my blogs as well as my husband's blogs are full of advice on how to live a holy life; feel free to read through our teachings - there are many to choose from.  Number one is to study the words of Christ because your life and soul literally depend on it. 

How can they call on Him in whom they have not believed?  And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard?  And how shall they hear without a preacher?  And how can they preach except they be sent?  As it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace and bring glad tidings of good things!  Romans 10:14-15

So why am I writing a blog? For your spiritual health as well as for mine.  Quite often the topics I feel God is prompting me to write about are issues for me.  I'm not just preaching to the choir, but to myself as well. 

Bottom line:  I am not a lecturer, a bully, a holier-than thou, an expert, or a perfect person.  What I am is a woman with compassion and a heart for struggling believers, non-believers, and even for those of you with a strong faith (especially since even those with a strong walk will face tough times).  Even if only one of my blogs I have written in the past 4 years, 10 months has helped just one person in a positive way, I feel I have done what God has asked me to do.  Thank you for reading, and  may God bless you!

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