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Monday, June 24, 2024

Wise as Serpents


I originally wrote the post below on Sept. 22, 2014, when my husband and I were searching for a new home (moving from Caldwell, ID and eventually to Cascade, ID - we now live in WA). I was thinking of it yesterday and realized how I could apply it to what is going on in today's increasing violent society.  Every day we read in the news of mass shooting, road rage turned deadly, and children being brutally tortured and murdered. Men, women, and even children are becoming more violent as Satan rages.  We are close to the end of this planet's life and Satan knows it, so he and his demons are increasing their oppressive and possessive ways.

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Ephesians 6:12-13

In Matthew 10:16 Jesus says, "Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves." While the verse in its entirety is important, I want to focus on being "wise as serpents."  I am not trying to instill fear in anyone, but we need to pray for discernment and sensitivity to the Holy Spirit's warnings every time we leave our home.  As you will see in the blog I wrote ten years ago, God does indeed give you a check in your spirit when a situation is not safe.  Therefore, we need to use wisdom and heed the Holy Spirit's warnings and walk away when He tells us to.  God will give His angels to protect those who FAITHFULLY serve Him (Psalm 91:11), but we are not to be foolish. You cannot intentionally delve into a dangerous situation and arrogantly say God will save you. Yes, God has miraculously protected many, many missionaries and pastors in life threatening situations, but they were working for the Lord at the time.  God wants us to use wisdom not just spiritually (which is what Matthew 10:6 is about), but also in everyday situations.  He does not want us or our loved ones to suffer because we stubbornly refuse to listen to the instincts He graciously instills in us.  

In Matthew 24:12, Jesus tells us that in the last days that, "because iniquity [sin] shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold."  Because people are growing colder toward the Lord, the ice in their hearts is making them dangerous to all around them.  They are more susceptible to Satan's influences.  Therefore, we must be better armored for God.

Anyway, here is the original post from 2014, once titled "Listen to God's Voice" (with a few edits):

Mel and I have been looking at places to live the last few weeks.  We are on a limited budget until I find another job. One of the things we do before we leave the house is pray that God will give us discernment about the people and the property.  On our trip to Twin Falls, ID, we both had a very strong sense that the people showing us the first room they had for rent were full of deceit.  We still chose to see the second property since we drove approximately three hours down there.  While at the second place, I had an overwhelming sense this was not a safe place. I had the strongest urge I have ever had that we were in danger; we needed to get out of that apartment!  I even stood with my hand on the doorknob while Mel looked at the bathroom because I felt such a strong need to bolt.  Some of you may call this intuition, but Christians can call it God's Voice.  The Holy Spirit will speak to you, guide you, and give you warnings if you are willing to listen. 


The funny thing is that when I took the picture that I used for this post's meme, I was not even aware that I was taking a picture of the sign.  I was trying to take a picture of a large bird that was flying overhead.  When we got home that evening and I was downloading the pictures, I had to laugh when I saw the "Wrong Way" sign.  If I was not certain that apartment Twin Falls was the wrong place before then, I sure got the message when I saw that picture! (Updated note: Shortly after we moved to a different city - I don't remember the exact time frame - there was major gun violence in that same neighborhood where we had been looking to rent.  In fact, I just found an article stating that "Twin Falls, Idaho is More Dangerous Than Most U.S. Cities." 

It may seem as if I do not have any grand advice or point today, but I am simply reminding you to pray before making any kind of decision.  Pray for wisdom, discernment, and even signs. Be willing to believe that God communicates with us in many different forms if we are sensitive to His Holy Spirit.  Heed all warnings and take them seriously.  You never know when turning around when God says, "Wrong Way" will save your life!  Discuss all feelings with your spouse, no matter how insignificant because you very well may be confirming each other’s feelings.  It will be much easier to make a decision knowing what your mate is feeling.  God will often give couples the same discernment so your experiences can be confirmed. 


We are going to be looking at another potential apartment later this week, and believe me, we are already praying before we head out the door.  And we will be closely paying attention to anything God has to say about the landlord, the room, and the location!


My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me.  John 10:27


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