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Sunday, June 9, 2024

When it is Difficult to Praise the Lord

This is the third time I am sharing this writing.  After having two cancer surgeries in 2023, I can still very much attest that this blog rings true to the depths of my heart and soul.

Here is what I wrote in 2020:  I originally wrote this blog in February 2016 and shared it again in today with a heavy heart.  I am having a very sad day today as I was forced to resign from my job due to increasing physical limitations. I am broken hearted as I loved my job, and my boss has become like family to me.  I struggle today with feelings of confusion toward God, I am again trying to focus on I Corinthians 13:12. Thig blog is absolutely for me today as well as for anyone who chooses to read it.  I pray it ministers to you as it has to me. 

This was originally titled "When we Don't Know how to Praise," but I changed the title to reflect more on what many of us feel daily.

Now here is what I wrote in 2016:

When it is Difficult to Praise the Lord

If you do a search on the word "praise" on Bible Gateway , you will get 277 results.  In other words, there is a lot to be said on the subject of praise.  I am sure there are too many articles out there to even count on the subject of praise, and I will probably not say anything original, but this is the subject on my heart.  Strangely, with all those verses at my fingertips, I am only going to use one bible verse this time. 
Today I am not writing about just praying at the start or end of the day to thank God for all He has done, I want to address praising God with more than a quick prayer.  More specifically, I am going to write about how to praise when you really don't know what to say.
My husband and I do our best to take the time to pray together once a day (which is essential for marriage), but I still believe we need to have individual alone time with Christ.  If there is one area I am lacking in my Christian Walk (I know I am flawed in many ways), it is in the area of prayer and praise.  When I say my prayers I thank God for the day, my husband, our pets, our home, and ultimately for His love.  I also ask for blessings & healings for my family members. Seems a bit lacking, doesn't it?  Therefore, this blog is just as much for me as it is for you.  
If you are a regular reader of my blog, then you know that I went through a crisis of faith beginning October 2014.  I don't want to spend time on that subject, so I will just say I was confused and angry with God and it took a long time for me to be able to talk to Him again.  I started off simple by just saying, "thank you." 
It is okay if we do not know what to say as God knows our hearts.  If all you can say is "thank you," then at least you are acknowledging the good that God has done.  That is an excellent place to start.

I have always loved these verses:

Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God. Romans 8:26-27

This is basically saying that we do not even have to have the words to speak to Christ because He knows what is in our hearts and what is best for us.  Jesus intercedes for us before His Father.  And better yet, Jesus prays for us "according to the will of God."  That humbles me and makes my eyes fill with tears.

Because God never promised a perfect life, you will come to a place in your life when you don't know what to say to God and you may be feeling confused.  But your heart still aches for communion with Christ, and that is the good news.  Do not ignore those instincts and let Satan discourage you.  He would love it if you gave into your negativity, stayed angry, and ignored God altogether.  It is always a good time to worship, but when you are lowest can be best time to praise. 

If all you can say is one word, let me suggest, "Jesus."  There is Power in the name of Jesus.  Calling on the name of Jesus brings healing.  If you allow Christ to work in your life, you will begin to find peace.  You may never understand why bad things happen other than the fact we live in a fallen world, and we all have a free will.  But you can find joy and comfort in just knowing how much Jesus loves you!  That alone can often get you through the dark times in your life. 

When you choose to take the time to praise, do not focus on your circumstances because you run the risk ok wallowing in self-pity.  Your purpose for taking time out to praise God is to focus on Him.  I absolutely recommend praying with God and expressing your feelings.  Just as good communication is essential to a healthy marriage, the same goes with your relationship with Christ.  However, I am now referring to praise time.  A time of letting go and leaving the land of ego behind.  Your praise time should be one of humility and reverence.

If you are having difficulty finding the time, do not let praise feel like an obligation looming over your head.  Praise is a privilege and should feel like it.  If you only have five minutes a week or even a month, then make those five minutes the best you can give to God.  If you have a bad attitude about giving your time, then try again later.  It is true that praise can change your bad mood, but trying to force praise with a sour attitude is offering up garbage to the Holy of Holies!   

Once again, if you do not know how to praise, that is fine.  You don't have to know the exact words or have a good voice, just make a joyful noise unto the Lord!  You could simply start of singing songs you remember from church.  If you have a physical disability that makes it difficult to sing (I have been in that place), then you can just close your eyes and listen. There are many great sources for free worship music such as Amazon, YouTube, Pandora, etc.  I hesitate to recommend a specific artist as many are not truly serving the Lord, so I will leave that up to your spiritual discernment.

There are some people that consider dancing before the Lord as praise (as David did in the bible).  I would use extreme caution in this area.  I have seen some beautiful movements done to praise music, however, this form of praise is quite often abused and done in a show-off and/or worldly way (and, sadly, even in a sensual way).  Churches often use their so-called worship services to promote themselves, and there is no awe or respect for God in the music and especially not in the dance.  Don't be fooled into thinking there is anything holy about the "Holy Ghost Hop." 

When worship becomes an act if exhibition or becomes about simply enjoying the worldly beat, then your heart is not in the right place.  True praise and worship is only about glorifying Christ.  When you worship at home, your motives are most likely pure.  When praising God at church, be sure you are not raising your hands just to look holy or because it is expected of you.  Others may not know the difference, but God knows. 
Praise time does not always have to be on your knees, but I do recommend it at least once a month (or more) because it is an act of submission and humility and it literally makes you feel God's presence that much more.  Again, a physical disability can make it difficult to kneel (been there as well).  With that said, praise is just as effective sitting or standing while watching or listening to praise music anywhere in your home.  It is best to focus on the praise, and therefore ultimately on God alone, but even praising God while driving is sure to put you in a better frame of mind.

And actually, praise does not have to involve music, I guess that's just my own idea of praise.  I am a music lover and I feel closest to God when I am singing to Him or even playing my trumpet.  I am now correcting myself by saying I was not going to talk about praying, because praying is absolutely an act of praise.  Simply talking to Jesus and telling Him how much you love Him and thanking Him, not for material things, but just for loving you is definitely praise.  Praying scripture is praise.  The only time I would dispute that praying is not praise is when we are asking for anything. 

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