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Sunday, August 15, 2021

Julie's Poetry, Part 2, 1997-2003

 "And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not." Galatians 6:9

The Point (1997)

I am not weary of doing good,

But of trying to change others,

The harder the effort I make,

The more I am snubbed and insulted,

Making it seem as if no one can be changed

I don’t know if anyone cares to hear the Truth,

To know life can be better,

All that matters is that I’m in their way to living guilt-free,

And being under conviction only makes them angrier,

And they show no sign of surrender

So what is the point?

If no one ever changes

I wonder if I should still try

Or give up and let them wallow in their immorality,

And not pray so hard

But I know I cannot cease to live a holy example,

I will not change to suit them,

I just wish I didn’t care so much,

Or that I knew the outcome,

To know if somehow, something I said or did got through

"And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not." John 1:5

John 1:5 (1997)

The darkness may not understand the Light,

But the Light desires to break through -

Piercing the heart of mockery;

Even if just a crack of Light makes way,

Perhaps a change will occur,

Or perhaps the confusion of the Light in the dark

Will make the blackness much colder,

And the Light will be forced out even more so;

For not understanding why the Light strives to overcome the dark

Brings about a misdirected anger -

Grasping to understand, but remaining confused,

Not understanding the war within,

Struggling to break free from the suffocating darkness,

But not yet willing;

For if the dark has never experienced a cleansing heat,

The intrusion it feels wants to annihilate the Light

And never again be forced to look at things through bright eyes;

But the Light will come again,

Fir it will forever exist,

And it will not cease to attempt to penetrate the dark,

For the Light never loses strength and sends fear into the dark's soul,

So the dark will never forget that the Light was there -

And the memory of the warmth will remain

"Shouldest not thou also have had compassion on thy fellowservant, even as I had pity on thee?." Matthew 18:33

Don’t be Offended (1997)

When others feel the need to insult you or your beliefs,

Don’t be offended - -

Feel compassion,

For the throwing of insults proves they are weak;

They have such a low self-image

That they must tear others down to build themselves up;

So don’t be offended - -

Feel pity,

For unless their attitude changes

They are doomed to an eternity of misery,

As their guilt builds higher;

Don’t be offended - -

Feel sorrow,

For their hearts are breaking,

And the anger you see

Is a reflection of the hurt

"But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." Isaiah 40:31

Isaiah 40:31 (1999) 

“But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength…”

I have become quite good at waiting - -

Waiting for my soul mate,

Waiting for a job to make me happy,

Waiting to feel true joy;

My strength is only renewed 

When I remember that God is in control of my future,

Only His guidance will pull me through

“…they shall mount up with wings like eagles…”

I haven’t yet learned to fly,

But my wings grow stronger every day,

As my faith grows,

And I fully begin to accept

That God is in control,

Only then do I feel the wind beneath me,

As I soar on the mercy of Christ

“…they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.”

It is hard not to grow weary of this world,

Of the selfishness,

Of the violence,

Of the hate,

But I have found myself enduring,

Wrapped in the security of Christ,

And His everlasting love 

"In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace." Ephesians 1:7

A New Song (2002) (Written for a friend)

Mistakes were made,

Hearts were broken,

Relationships were shattered,

But that was not the end

Redemption enveloped her soul,

Tears were shed,

A bruised reed was mending,

A new stage was emerging

Healing had begun,

Changes were being made,

Lives were being restored,

A new day had dawned

A new love,

A new faith,

A stronger heart

This was just the beginning

Beauty shines,

Soul is strengthened,

Life and love are embraced,

A new song awaits!

"For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother's womb. I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well." Psalm 139:13-14

(Note: Just a reminder I did not get married until June 2012, when I was almost 40 years old!)

Designed by God (2003)

People ask me

If it is hard to live alone,

But I have never been afraid

To spend time by myself;

My mother tells me

Since I was a child,

I would spend hours alone,

Imagining and creating stories;

Entertaining myself 

Was a habit I acquired 

At a very young age;

It is how I know this is who I am meant to be;

For the Bible

Tells me I was designed by God

While still in my mother’s womb;

God planned the child, teenager, and woman

I would grow to be;

God knew I would be alone,

So He gave me a gift with animals - -

He sent them to me for my companionship;

So yes, I know God chose the path I would travel;

I was meant to remain unmarried,

To be content sharing my home

With dogs and cats alone;

And I am satisfied with my life as is,

Because it is what God chose for me

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