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Sunday, December 29, 2024

The Book of Matthew Quick Preview (Video)

Matthew, Parts 1 and 2 (Quick Preview)

I want to make it clear that all of my dear readers understand that the purpose of sharing my Bible Journal is merely for the sake of helping others realize what the Bible truly says. I pray you read the entire Bible on your own, perhaps read each chapter along with the postings. I also pray you ask the Holy Spirit to speak to your heart as you read and make His holy words come alive to you and give you His understanding as you study.

First, I apologize that I am unable to share the two less than 1-minute videos to Blogger. but you can view them on the Facebook page:

Second, welcome to the new changes to this blog!

Before each book of the Bible, I will take a quick video of the book so you can see a preview of what will be shared for that book. Just remember, I am not a very good artist. but I wanted to share with you how God's Word inspires me. These postings are in no way instructional on how to Bible journal. This s not about beautiful art that covers up and distracts from the scriptures on the pages, it is about expressing my love for holy Word of God. So even when the pages I share are "ugly" or uncreative, I will still be sharing them as God's Word is always beautiful!

A few notes on the videos. I am not a professional and only have my inexpensive phone to record on. Also, I live in the Pacific Northwest where it will be cloudy from now until at least June, so I apologize if the quality of the videos is too dark! I wanted to add some non-copywritten music, but the only free video editor program I have is not working, which is also why I wasn't able to combine Matthew into 1 video (keeps telling me I need Internet even though I am connected), so I just decided to share with you as is.

The next step in the new way I am posting to this page is that I will share my artwork and writings from the books of the Bible every 2-4 days. I will not be sharing any other ministry pages' writing or links except for what has been written by my husband, Mel.

Thank you for reading and watching! To God be all the glory!

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