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Thursday, December 31, 2020

Seven Abominations

I wrote this post for my other Blog/Facebook Page, "The ABCs of a Joyful Marriage," . I am gathering scriptures for a new blog on humility before the Lord, but thought I would post this one first.  Although this was written for a marriage blog, these issues can be applied to anyone, even single people as teaches us how to we act around everyone.

Seven Abominations

These six things the Lord hates,
Yes, seven are an abomination to Him:

17 A proud look,
A lying tongue,
Hands that shed innocent blood,

18 A heart that devises wicked plans,
Feet that are swift in running to evil,
19 A false witness who speaks lies,
And one who sows discord among brethren.
Proverbs 6:16-19

All of these issues can absolutely apply to marriage. Let me briefly break them down.

A proud look: How often have you acted superior to your mate in a prideful manner?  You may even have made fun of the other when you think he/she is wrong and laughed and ridiculed the other when you were proved right.  Next time you are tempted to act this way, remember how much God hates pride. Psalm 51:17 says that the Lord will never despise a broken and contrite heart. It is essential to your walk with the Lord to be humble before Him, but also vital to your marriage to be gentle with one another. Do not ever think yourself better than others (read Philippians 2:3), and that includes your spouse. As I always say, yes, the husband is the head of the home, but you are equal partners in every way. Remember to act in love the next time you have a disagreement and know that God hates pride.

A lying tongue & a false witness who speaks lies: I'm including these together because they are both reminding us to always be honest. The second part of that statement probably also has to do with making up stories about another person as well as lying about something. So do not lie to your mate, and do not lie about him or her either. Although not as harmful, even exaggerating good qualities is the same as lying. God does not want us to lie even if we are falsely trying to build up someone else's reputation.  Honesty is absolutely always the best policy.  

Hands that shed innocent blood: Murder is not the only way to shed blood. Physical abuse can also bring such harm. You do not have to put up with an abusive spouse! It is not wrong to send him/her to jail. If he/she adamantly refuses to get help, I do not believe divorce is wrong in such a case. Also, do not keep silent when someone else is the victim, related or not. God expects us to speak up for the innocent, and I will even add that this includes violence towards animals as they are also God's creation. 

A heart that devises wicked plans: Notice that one does not even have to carry out wicked plans, but just dreaming them up is an abomination to God.  The Lord knows all your thoughts and if you are considering harming someone or breaking the law, you will be held accountable for your thoughts. Matthew 5:28 says we commit adultery just by thinking about having sex with someone not our spouse.  Proverbs 23:7 says that we are what we think.  The Bible also says that whatever we sow in our hearts we will reap in our actions.  Remember that song, "Be careful little mind what you think? For the Father up above is looking down in love."  Well, sing that to yourself every time you are devising wicked thoughts. Repent, and change your thought process!

Feet that are swift in running to evil: Do not be quick to jump on the band wagon with everyone else doing wrong. That wagon is headed straight to hell!  Be swift to run away from evil. If your first instinct is to run toward the sinful things of this world, you need to repent of your ways and get back to living for Christ! Running to evil includes cheating on your mate and pornography. You do not have to participate if your spouse wants you to do something you know is sinful. It is okay to say no and encourage him/her to repent and walk away from sin.  Pray together that you will be strong enough to flee temptations in your marriage individually and as a couple.

And one who sows discord among brethren: There are so many, many ways we can sow discord. Gossip is the biggest thing that comes to my mind. Remember the above verse speaking against lying? Gossip is rarely truthful or at the most half-truths.  I cannot stand to be around a gossip as many people have harmed me and/or my precious husband with false gossip (I am including from before we knew each other as well). Again, do not talk about your spouse behind his/her back. Also, sowing discord in your home could mean simply being antagonistic and argumentative. Be kind to each other and sow peace and joy. Those are things God loves!

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